United Hebrew Congregation, Leeds – Tree Sponsorship

£27.00 inc VAT

4746 in stock

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This product is specially set up to enable contributors from United Hebrew Congregation,  Leeds, and their supporters and friends to sponsor trees.

“Plant our Future” with UHC Leeds

Tu Bishvat is the Jewish New Year for trees.  The UHC is embarking on something very different this year to mark this holy festival.

The UHC want to establish a ‘UHC Forest’ within our local region to encourage a greater knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of the natural world. Doing our bit for Tikun Olam – healing our planet.

By purchasing a dedicated tree here, with Make it Wild, for just £27, you can mark the festival of Tu Bishvat by Donating a Tree as part of the new ‘UHC Forest’.

In return for your contribution, Make it Wild will provide:

  • One tree, one stake and one tree guard
  • The option to donate your tree in your family’s name, to mark a celebration or in the memory of a loved one/s
  • The option for friends and supporters of all ages to join the UHC on our Planting Day (date to be confirmed)
  • Ongoing protection and maintenance of the tree as required
  • Design and layout of the ‘UHC Forest’ to best serve its natural habitat
  • Access to the woodlands by prior arrangement, to visit or contribute to the maintenance of the trees
  • A certificate confirming your sponsorship or a gift certificate if you are dedicating tree/s as a gift – this will be emailed to you by the UHC Leeds


If you would like to contribute more than one tree to this wonderful project, please simply increase the number of trees as you make the purchase. The email confirming your purchase will state how many trees you have sponsored.

About this Initiative – A message from UHC Leeds:

“We are so proud to perform many varied initiatives in wide areas of Jewish life, yet this is a real opportunity to promote Judaism’s core values for our natural environment – to be proactive in a world that needs our love and care – to ensure our sacred planet is protected for future generations.

Like the story of Choni in the Talmud, who was asked why he was planting a tree he wouldn’t see the benefit of in his lifetime, he replied “as someone planted for me, so shall I plant for my children”.

More wild space, more trees, more meadows, more ponds – Help us to Plant our Future.

The Practicalities

These trees will be planted on land owned by Make it Wild, at Skipbridge Nature Reserve, between Harrogate and York, in an area designated ‘UHC Forest’.

We look forward to welcoming many of you to join us to help with planting the trees. The idea is for the community to help with the planting. However, please feel free to dedicate trees even if you won’t be able to plant them in person. We will be happy to plant them for you!

The trees will be a mix of native deciduous trees, selected to be suitable for the land and the weather they will experience. This is the best way to encourage biodiversity, and successful woodland creation. We at Make it Wild are very experienced in planting trees. We have created a lovely young woodland of 20,000 trees, which we planted at Sylvan Nature Reserve in 2011. More recently we planted 8,000 at Bank Woods and 8,000 at Dowgill Grange.

Please Note:

  • If you would like to dedicate your trees as a gift, for a special occasion, or in memory of a loved one, please add the wording you would like us to include in the ‘Notes’ section at check out.  Remember to include the name, the occasion, the date and any message.
  • If you would like to be involved in planting the trees, or to ask any questions about this project, please email Naomi Williams: Naomi@uhcleeds.com

Important information:

We would like to be able to pass on your contact details to UHC Leeds, so that they can say ‘Thank you’ for your tree dedication, and send your certificate. If you would prefer us not to pass on your details, please state this in the ‘Notes’ section at checkout. Thank you.



This product is specially set up to enable contributors from United Hebrew Congregation,  Leeds, and their supporters and friends to sponsor trees.

“Plant our Future” with UHC Leeds

Tu Bishvat is the Jewish New Year for trees.  The UHC is embarking on something very different this year to mark this holy festival.

The UHC want to establish a ‘UHC Forest’ within our local region to encourage a greater knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of the natural world. Doing our bit for Tikun Olam – healing our planet.

By purchasing a dedicated tree here, with Make it Wild, for just £27, you can mark the festival of Tu Bishvat by Donating a Tree as part of the new ‘UHC Forest’.

In return for your contribution, Make it Wild will provide:

  • One tree, one stake and one tree guard
  • The option to donate your tree in your family’s name, to mark a celebration or in the memory of a loved one/s
  • The option for friends and supporters of all ages to join the UHC on our Planting Day (date to be confirmed)
  • Ongoing protection and maintenance of the tree as required
  • Design and layout of the ‘UHC Forest’ to best serve its natural habitat
  • Access to the woodlands by prior arrangement, to visit or contribute to the maintenance of the trees
  • A certificate confirming your sponsorship or a gift certificate if you are dedicating tree/s as a gift – this will be emailed to you by the UHC Leeds


If you would like to contribute more than one tree to this wonderful project, please simply increase the number of trees as you make the purchase. The email confirming your purchase will state how many trees you have sponsored.

About this Initiative – A message from UHC Leeds:

“We are so proud to perform many varied initiatives in wide areas of Jewish life, yet this is a real opportunity to promote Judaism’s core values for our natural environment – to be proactive in a world that needs our love and care – to ensure our sacred planet is protected for future generations.

Like the story of Choni in the Talmud, who was asked why he was planting a tree he wouldn’t see the benefit of in his lifetime, he replied “as someone planted for me, so shall I plant for my children”.

More wild space, more trees, more meadows, more ponds – Help us to Plant our Future.

The Practicalities

These trees will be planted on land owned by Make it Wild, at Skipbridge Nature Reserve, between Harrogate and York, in an area designated ‘UHC Forest’.

We look forward to welcoming many of you to join us to help with planting the trees. The idea is for the community to help with the planting. However, please feel free to dedicate trees even if you won’t be able to plant them in person. We will be happy to plant them for you!

The trees will be a mix of native deciduous trees, selected to be suitable for the land and the weather they will experience. This is the best way to encourage biodiversity, and successful woodland creation. We at Make it Wild are very experienced in planting trees. We have created a lovely young woodland of 20,000 trees, which we planted at Sylvan Nature Reserve in 2011. More recently we planted 8,000 at Bank Woods and 8,000 at Dowgill Grange.

Please Note:

  • If you would like to dedicate your trees as a gift, for a special occasion, or in memory of a loved one, please add the wording you would like us to include in the ‘Notes’ section at check out.  Remember to include the name, the occasion, the date and any message.
  • If you would like to be involved in planting the trees, or to ask any questions about this project, please email Naomi Williams: Naomi@uhcleeds.com

Important information:

We would like to be able to pass on your contact details to UHC Leeds, so that they can say ‘Thank you’ for your tree dedication, and send your certificate. If you would prefer us not to pass on your details, please state this in the ‘Notes’ section at checkout. Thank you.