Calculate your footprint

    This carbon emissions calculator will estimate your annual carbon footprint.

    For electricity and gas, please enter the kWhrs used in a year. If you use oil, enter the volume used in a year, in litres.

    For vehicle journeys, please enter the total miles driven in a year, for all the vehicles in your household or business.

    Finally, simply enter the number of individual journeys taken by rail and air. A return journey counts as 2.

    Our carbon emissions calculator will tell you your carbon footprint in Tonnes of CO2 – and – the number of trees we could plant for you to offset this footprint.

    Power, Heating & Lighting

    Electricity use (kWh per year)

    Gas use (kWh per year)

    Oil use (litres per year)


    Vehicle miles (per year)

    Short rail journeys (passenger journeys taken)

    Long rail journeys (passenger journeys taken)

    Short haul flights (passenger journeys taken)

    Long haul flights (passenger journeys taken)

    Your Details




    Telephone Number

    By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website and sending of promotional material.

    I Agree

    Green House Gas Emissions - Results

    Thank you entering your greenhouse gas emissions data. The results are shown below along with the number of trees we would plant in our North Yorkshire nature reserves, on your behalf, to help you begin to offset these emissions.

    Total Carbon

    Tonnes CO2e

    Trees to plant
    to offset this footprint

    Planted in our North Yorkshire Nature Reserves

    We offer carbon offsetting by tree planting in our nature reserves.

    • Individuals can purchase offsets in units of 5 Tonnes of CO2e here.

    • Businesses can purchase offsets in units of 10 Tonnes of CO2e here.

    • The cost is £14.40 per Tonne of CO2e inclusive of VAT.

    Power, Heating & Lighting

    Tonnes CO2e





    Tonnes CO2e

    Vehicle miles

    Short rail journeys

    Long rail journeys

    Short haul flights

    Long haul flights