Dedicate a Tree

£40.00 inc VAT

Please note the words you would like on your dedication certificate here. Remember to include the date of the special occasion if you would like it included on the certificate. (max 160 characters)

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Dedicate a Tree with Make it Wild

Dedicate a Tree! It will look beautiful in its natural location and will last for many years to come.

No waste, no gift wrapping, and no transport!

What happens when you dedicate a tree in Yorkshire or Norfolk with Make it Wild?

How it works

We will dedicate a tree for you at one of our beautiful nature reserves in North Yorkshire, or our partner sites in Norfolk or near Buxton.

We will protect the tree, and look after it for decades to come.

At Sylvan your tree will be among our young woodland trees.

At Windmill Hill it will be one of the newly planted trees surrounding our developing wildflower meadow.

At Dowgill Grange, your tree will be on the edge of a large new woodland.

At Covenhope Reserve, nr Hingham, Norfolk your tree will be planted near meadows and grasslands, together with other young trees it will connect existing areas of more mature woodland.

At Rowan Tree Farm, near Buxton, Derbyshire, your tree will be among young trees planted in winter 2023/4.

The trees at Chop Gate Woodpasture were planted in 2019, and form one of several areas of young woodland in Bilsdale.

Please type in the box the wording you would like on your certificate.

If you would like to add a personalised plaque to be placed next to your dedicated tree, please take a look at our Dedicated Trees with Plaque , and if you would like to dedicate a beautiful old tree in our ancient woodland, again with a plaque, how about our Century Old Tree Dedication?


What you will get

  • A young native woodland tree, dedicated for you
  • A personalised certificate of dedication, with your chosen wording, sent by email
  • You will get a map of the site, showing the location of the tree
  • The satisfaction of contributing to the creation of precious habitat for the many species which rely on woodland – thereby improving biodiversity
  • You will have the joy of knowing you have dedicated a beautiful tree
  • The pride of ‘doing your bit’ to minimise the impact of climate change by planting a tree which will absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
  • You may be able to visit your tree (arrangements dependent on location – more info here)
  • These dedications last for a minimum of five years. After five years have elapsed, we reserve the right to offer the tree for dedication again. If you would like a ‘forever’ dedication, please choose one of our options with a plaque.

Choose your Location

  • Sylvan Nature Reserve, our young woodland on the banks of the river Nidd, at Kirk Hammerton near York. Read more here.
  • Windmill Hill, adjacent to Sylvan Nature Reserve, Kirk Hammerton.  Read more here.
  • Dowgill Grange, in Summerbridge, in Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Beauty. Read more here. 
  • Covenhope Reserve, nr Hingham, Norfolk, young woodland areas being planted among ponds, meadows and grasslands. Read more here.
  • Rowan Tree Farm, near Buxton, young trees planted as part of The Waller Woodland. More information here.
  • Chop Gate Woodpasture in Bilsdale, in the North York Moors National Park. Read more here.

Types of tree

We will choose a healthy young tree for you. If you have a preference for a certain species of tree, please let us know and we will do our best!

There is information about many of them in the Resource section of our website.

More Information

You can read more about the benefits of  Tree Dedication Gifts here.

For Ts & Cs, details of the locations, including ages and species of trees and arrangements for visiting, please read this page.

(please note, you will not ‘own’ the tree)


Dedicate a Tree with Make it Wild

Dedicate a Tree! It will look beautiful in its natural location and will last for many years to come.

No waste, no gift wrapping, and no transport!

What happens when you dedicate a tree in Yorkshire or Norfolk with Make it Wild?

How it works

We will dedicate a tree for you at one of our beautiful nature reserves in North Yorkshire, or our partner sites in Norfolk or near Buxton.

We will protect the tree, and look after it for decades to come.

At Sylvan your tree will be among our young woodland trees.

At Windmill Hill it will be one of the newly planted trees surrounding our developing wildflower meadow.

At Dowgill Grange, your tree will be on the edge of a large new woodland.

At Covenhope Reserve, nr Hingham, Norfolk your tree will be planted near meadows and grasslands, together with other young trees it will connect existing areas of more mature woodland.

At Rowan Tree Farm, near Buxton, Derbyshire, your tree will be among young trees planted in winter 2023/4.

The trees at Chop Gate Woodpasture were planted in 2019, and form one of several areas of young woodland in Bilsdale.

Please type in the box the wording you would like on your certificate.

If you would like to add a personalised plaque to be placed next to your dedicated tree, please take a look at our Dedicated Trees with Plaque , and if you would like to dedicate a beautiful old tree in our ancient woodland, again with a plaque, how about our Century Old Tree Dedication?


What you will get

  • A young native woodland tree, dedicated for you
  • A personalised certificate of dedication, with your chosen wording, sent by email
  • You will get a map of the site, showing the location of the tree
  • The satisfaction of contributing to the creation of precious habitat for the many species which rely on woodland – thereby improving biodiversity
  • You will have the joy of knowing you have dedicated a beautiful tree
  • The pride of ‘doing your bit’ to minimise the impact of climate change by planting a tree which will absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
  • You may be able to visit your tree (arrangements dependent on location – more info here)
  • These dedications last for a minimum of five years. After five years have elapsed, we reserve the right to offer the tree for dedication again. If you would like a ‘forever’ dedication, please choose one of our options with a plaque.

Choose your Location

  • Sylvan Nature Reserve, our young woodland on the banks of the river Nidd, at Kirk Hammerton near York. Read more here.
  • Windmill Hill, adjacent to Sylvan Nature Reserve, Kirk Hammerton.  Read more here.
  • Dowgill Grange, in Summerbridge, in Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Beauty. Read more here. 
  • Covenhope Reserve, nr Hingham, Norfolk, young woodland areas being planted among ponds, meadows and grasslands. Read more here.
  • Rowan Tree Farm, near Buxton, young trees planted as part of The Waller Woodland. More information here.
  • Chop Gate Woodpasture in Bilsdale, in the North York Moors National Park. Read more here.

Types of tree

We will choose a healthy young tree for you. If you have a preference for a certain species of tree, please let us know and we will do our best!

There is information about many of them in the Resource section of our website.

More Information

You can read more about the benefits of  Tree Dedication Gifts here.

For Ts & Cs, details of the locations, including ages and species of trees and arrangements for visiting, please read this page.

(please note, you will not ‘own’ the tree)

Additional information

Location of Tree

Sylvan Nature Reserve, Windmill Hill, Dowgill Grange, Covenhope, Rowan Tree Farm, Chop Gate